Monday, June 25, 2012

Some Auto insurance Companies Available for You to Choose

             Are you getting confused in choosing the best car insurance for your car? Do you need help in finding the best car insurance that suits your need and your car’s need? If you so, then you should not be worried anymore now because you can find easy references of auto insurance easily these days. There will be a lot of sources in the internet that will help you to find the best car insurance for your car. One of the most recommended sources that you can use to find your best car insurance is This site will provide you complete and detailed information you need to know about some car insurance services available both online and offline.
            There are a lot of car insurance services that are reviewed and rated in this site. They are AARP Insurance Company, AIG Insurance Company, Allstate Insurance Company, American Family Insurance Company, Auto Owners Insurance Company, and many other car insurance companies that you might be familiar with. These car insurance companies are rated by this site, so that you will be easier to find the best car insurance company that suits to your need very well. Thus, once you are in the need of car insurance for emergency needs, choosing them through its rate will be a lot easier in this site. 

Monday, April 2, 2012

Common Forest Wildlife

Nature has a lot to offer, with its beautiful winter seasons and its bountiful springs and summers. The surrounding forest wildlife is a part of nature, and whose presence brings added warmth and wonder. It can be difficult spotting all of nature's forest wildlife because some hide and burrow, while others live high in the treetops. Let us explore some of the commonly found and well-known wildlife in the forest. We can learn how they live and what they are like.
Animals of All Sorts
There are a variety of different species that make the forest their home, and each and every one of them is fascinating and unique in their own way. The top most common animals known to reside in wooded areas are squirrels, raccoons, and deer. There are many more types of common forest wildlife as well, so be sure to follow the links provided at the end of the article for more ways to learn about animals of all sorts.
Squirrels are members of the medium-sized rodent family. They are furry with slender bodies and long bushy tails. They have excellent vision and sturdy claws for grasping food and for climbing. These qualities are important for any tree-dwelling animal. They are fast little creatures that are prevalent in residential areas as well. They are spotted every single day, all across the country.
Raccoons are another forest dwelling creature that is categorized in the medium-sized mammal family. They have a gray coat, 90% of which is dense under fur that protects them against the cold, as well as a mask-like black strip across their eyes. Their tails are striped black and gray, usually, and their paws are very dexterous. In fact, they are similar looking to human hands. You can find raccoons in the woods and forest, and sometimes in a dumpster or compost pile. Raccoons are very clever, but contrary to squirrels, they are known to be little trouble makers in residential areas.
Deer are very common in the forest, but in more rural areas as well, like the country side. In the forest you can find white tailed deer and deer families in the spring time. The females are called does and the males are referred to as bucks. They are fast sprinters and light on their feet. They are mammals that typically give birth to one fawn, or baby deer. Although many people enjoy eating and hunting deer, there are several hunting guidelines that places limits on where a person can hunt and how much. These rules are very important to the safety of hunters and the deer population alike.
Protect and Respect Nature
The forest is a wonderful source of flora and fauna, and provides warmth, food, and shelter to many admirable creatures in nature. This is why the preservation of forests and wild animals across the country is very important. We need to protect our ecosystem and natural resources so that nature can remain bountiful and harmonious, the way mother nature intended.

Monday, March 26, 2012

How to Attract Birds to Your Bird Feeder

People have been interested in feeding wild birds in America since the mid 1800s. In the early 1900s, the first hummingbird feeder was manufactured on a commercial basis. Today, feeding the birds is an exciting hobby that over 60 million Americans are enjoying everyday. One of the first questions that eager bird watchers ask when they get their first feeder is, 'How do I attract the most birds to my bird feeders?'
Tip #1: Be consistent. 
Try to follow a routine by keeping feeders filled with the seed or suet that is the favorite of the birds you wish to attract. Birds will return to the same feeders if they're rewarded with food every time.

Tip #2: Use the appropriate bird feeder. 
Since birds are attracted to different types of bird feeder designs, you can increase your odds by matching the species with the bird feeder design specifically made for it. Choose from the many types of feeders offered below:

Tube Feeder: American Goldfinch, House Finch, Nuthatch, Titmouse 
Platform Feeder: House Finch, Blue Jay, Northern Cardinal, Song Sparrow, Titmouse 
Hopper Feeder: House Finch, Blue Jay, Titmouse, Northern Cardinal 
Suet Feeder: Northern Cardinal, Nuthatch, Titmouse, Warbler, Woodpecker, Wren 
Niger or Thistle seed Tube Feeder: American Goldfinch, House Finch, Purple Finch 
Nectar Feeder: Hummingbird 
Fruit or Jelly Feeder: Eastern Bluebird, House Finch, Oriole, Woodpecker

Tip #3: Where should I hang the bird feeder? 
Place your bird feeder in a spot where the birds can feel protected-somewhere in close proximity to shrubs and trees. Also, they will use foliage, grasses and twigs as nesting materials. Avoid predators by placing bird feeders at least four feet off the ground and away from fences and lower, hanging branches. Some birds, like bluebirds, prefer to have an open view while feeding so they can keep their eyes open for predators.

Tip #4: Include a water source close to the bird feeder. 
Birds are attracted to water for bathing and sipping. Since they are attracted to the sound of water, the light spray of a hose will bring them flitting to this water source. Robins and hummingbirds appreciate the sparkle of water and love to fly through the spray. The moist ground makes it easier for robins to snag a worm or two. Shallow, birdbaths welcome many types of birds who need to remove dust or mites from their feathers.

Tip #5: Include native plants in your garden. 
Native plants will attract specific birds to your backyard. Some birds such as woodpeckers and bluebirds enjoy berries and fruits along with insects, while finches prefer the seeds of native coneflowers or Echinacea.

How long should you wait to see birds at the feeder after you hang it? 
First, have patience. It will take some time for birds to find your feeder and start using it as a source of food. Wait for up to two weeks, then add a few new ideas.

Try sprinkling some of their favorite seed on the ground and around the feeder. This will help them find the bird feeder and realize that there is a food source nearby. Or, the location might not be the best for them. Most birds like to feel secure. Move the bird feeder to a new location that has shrubs or conifers for them to hide and observe from. Keep the bird feeder away from traffic, loud noises and predatory felines. Birds like to remain hidden from predators as they fly to and from the bird feeder.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

General Raccoon Information

Raccoons are clever critters, often studied for this fascinating characteristic in captive settings. These mammals are remarkably bright and resourceful in nature as well. There are a lot of interesting facts about raccoons, but before indulging in these, it is good to have a brief understanding of what the raccoon species is all about.
Description of a Raccoon
Raccoons are a medium-sized mammal, with a gray coat of fur, and a long striped tail. They are often seen with a black stretch of fur directly over their eyes, giving them the look of wearing a bandit's mask; hence the nickname, "little bandits". They usually weigh anywhere from 8 to 20 pounds, and stands at 1 to 2 feet, on its hind legs. This is at full adult size. They also have very human like hands that are great at grasping and even better for climbing.
Raccoons are also known as "little bandits" due to their curiosity and cleverness in residential areas. They can snoop and tear through garbage cans and dumpsters looking for food, in the middle of the night, and never get caught. People in these communities wake up to a huge mess in their lawn or drive-way! This is what most people think of when you mention, "Raccoon".
Reproduction, Life Expectancy, and Diet
Female raccoons give birth to litters of baby raccoons called "kits". Their gestation period ranges from a few months, or 65 days. They usually have anywhere from 2 to 5 kits per litter. After about nine weeks, the kits can eat solid food and even leave the den to explore. They are eventually weaned completely by 16 weeks or so. The mother shows them feeding grounds and dens, and the adolescent raccoons then split up and head off on their own.
For food, they will eat almost anything. They are by far one of the most interesting omnivores known to man. In certain times, they will munch on insects and worms, but will also eat fruits and nuts in other seasons. They are even known to indulge in certain vertebrates like fish and frogs. This diet is good for them, and must be, because raccoons have been known to also live a long time. In captive, raccoons can live past 20 years of age! However, in nature, there are more dangers and threats that affect the life span of a raccoon. In the wild, raccoons only live on average 1 to 3 years. They are in constant threat of predators, destroyed habitats, loss of food sources, and more.
For more information on raccoons, be sure to visit our Raccoon Removal website, or call us directly at 317-535-4605 today. We can provide you with all the raccoon knowledge you need!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Facts About Hurricanes - The Swirling Storms of the Seas

Hurricane, the word is derived from Spanish word, "Huracan" which is a further derivation of word "Juracan" a god of storm. For a layman every swirling thunderstorm which strikes the land is a hurricane or typhoon as people, in most cases come to know such terms in the news. However, in order to learn the difference, we have to learn few basic concepts of the tropical cyclones. Hurricanes, typhoons, tropical depressions, cyclones and tropic storms are all the derivative names for Tropic Cyclones, depending on their strength, size and location. These storms or cyclones are characterized by strong winds, low-pressure centers and heavy rains.
A hurricane can be differentiated from tropical depression or thunderstorm on the basis of its strength, location and concentration. Depressions or storms usually generate winds less than 34 knots, and they have no eye. Whereas, hurricanes and typhoons are moving storm systems with the minimum wind speed of 66 knots or 119 km per hour, which is potentially devastating. A cyclone of such intensity develops an eye, an area in the centre of system having lowest atmospheric pressure. This eye is surrounded by the Eyewall, which can cover an area of 16 to 80 kms and play havoc. Maximum speed of hurricanes has been estimated to around 314 km per hour.
Hurricanes develop usually due to the formation of favorable atmospheric conditions around disturbance in the atmosphere. Natural phenomenon like El-NiƱo, Madden-Julian oscillation and Atlantic Multi-decadal oscillation modulate the background environment. Tropical systems, once born are moved by fast winds in troposphere under favorable conditions. As the systems move it tends to develop an eye. However, if the atmospheric conditions do not allow, the system gets weak and dissipates. Presently, technology has not been advanced enough to artificially induce dissipation of such storms or a hurricane.
Atmospheric pressure recorded at the center of hurricanes or the eye is lowest occurring on sea level surface of the world. Condensed latent heat, when released in large amounts, drives the hurricanes and it happens when moist air lifts up condensing its water vapors. The said heat distributes around the storm's center in a vertical order. Due to this, temperatures inside the hurricanes are usually warmer than the surrounding area.
The eye of a hurricane should not be taken in literal meanings. It is usually 30 to 120 km in diameters, though smaller hurricanes carry as small as an eye in diameter of 3 km and as large as 360 km. The environment inside the eye is usually calm and mild compared to its surrounding fast moving winds.
Hurricanes produce extremely devastating winds and storm surges. As they receive their energy from warmer oceanic waters, they tend to lose energy when they move on land as they also face greater surface friction in addition to the absence of warmer water. For the same reason, hurricanes render more damage to coastal or tropic regions than inland areas. Hurricanes can be lethal at coastal regions going as deep at 1000 kms, whereas it can also cause flooding up to 40 kms from coastline. Size of a hurricane can be classified into three main categories. Hurricanes ranging under 222 kms in radius are termed as "very small", those ranging from 333 to 670 km in radius are termed as "Average" and those greater in radius than 888 kms are classified as "Very large" hurricanes.
A difference between a typhoon and hurricane should be understood to avoid confusion. Severe tropic cyclones, when born in Northwestern Pacific and obtains high intensity wind speed, it is called a typhoon. On the other hand, a tropic cyclone which takes birth in Northeast Pacific basin or Atlantic Ocean is called a hurricane. Storms arising from the Southern hemisphere and Indian Oceans are simply called the Cyclones.
"Bhola Cyclone" at the coasts of Bangladesh in 1970 has been recorded as the deadliest one in recorded history in which nearly 0.3 million lost their lives. Another destructive hurricane is Hurricane Katrina in USA, which killed around 2,000 people and rendered an estimated property loss of 100 Billion $. Typhoon Tip which arose in 1979 in Pacific Ocean has been the most intense hurricane having the pressure of 870 mbar and wind speeds of 310 km/ hour. Tip was also the largest cyclone with the storm force winds active in 2170 km diameter. Hurricane John holds the record of longest lasting hurricane, which lasted for a full month in 1994 in the northern hemisphere.

Monday, March 5, 2012

The African King of the Sand - Three of the Desert's Deadliest Creatures

The animals which currently inhabit the African deserts are some of the oldest species on the planet, and have undergone dramatic changes in terms of adaptation, in order to survive in the harsh conditions of the desert. From lizards to beetles they have a large selection. As the largest desert in Africa, which covers most of the Northern region, the Sahara desert has some of the most diverse creatures in the entire continent. Here we look at three of the creatures whose predatory nature and finely honed survival instincts have made each of them the king of the sand.
The monitor lizard is a reptile with highly poisonous venom, which rivals that of some of the world's most venomous snakes. These cold blooded creatures thrive in the hot temperatures of the Saharan desert during the day, but their bodies almost shut down at night, when the temperatures drop dramatically. This lizard is particularly aggressive when cold, and they feed mainly on insects and rats, or any other small mammals which they come across in the desert.
Sand Vipers are another deadly creature found in the deserts of Africa. These snakes can grow up to 50cm in length, and have horns above their eyes to protect them from the sand and wind. They usually come out at night to hunt for food. During the day, they bury themselves beneath the sand. Sand vipers are hemo-toxic as well venomous, meaning that the animal or person which they bite will not only suffer from tissue damage, but their red blood cells will also be destroyed. These bites are not always fatal, but can be extremely painful. This creature is now considered to be an endangered species, as a result of the degrading environment of the African deserts.
The world's most famous flightless bird also resides in the African deserts. Although the ostrich cannot fly, it compensates for this by being one of the fastest animals on land - it can run at almost 40 miles per hour. The ostrich is also the biggest bird on the planet and has incredibly strong legs, which it uses to kick its predators with. Furthermore, this bird has brilliant hearing abilities and eyesight, which are two of its primary defence mechanisms. Ostriches in the Sahara desert will rarely stray too far from the watering holes, and will generally feed on bush leaves and grass, although they will occasionally eat small animals as well.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Top 7 Fragrant Flowers

There are some flowers which are not only beautiful but quite fragrant as well. Such flowers are thus, a treat for one's senses and make the surroundings more pleasant. Therefore, fragrant flowers are often planted in gardens and put in bouquets so that people can enjoy their scent. Some of the highly fragrant flowers are mentioned below.
Aside from their beauty, roses are also famous for their fragrance. There are many perfumes created from the essence of roses. However, nowadays the commercial breeders of roses emphasize on appearance of roses rather than their fragrance. Thus, there is only a hint of the fragrance in such roses. On the other hand, garden roses still have their sweet and spicy scent.
Lavenders are tiny purple flowers with a rich fragrance. The fragrance of lavenders is commonly used in perfumes, colognes, bath oils, soaps and other body care products. Moreover, lavender oil is used for aromatherapy due to the calming effect of the scent of this flower. Besides the flowers, the leaves of lavender are also very fragrant.
Jasmines are white flowers popular all over the world for their strong fragrance. In fact, they are widely cultivated for their scent. Jasmine oil is used in perfumes and cosmetics all over the world.
Gardenias are small white flowers with a sweet and strong scent. Although gardenias are quite beautiful, they are grown primarily for their fragrance. The scent of the flower is like that of a jasmine.
Winter Honeysuckles
Winter honeysuckles are the most fragrant species of honeysuckles. The fragrance fills up the air during the winter months. Although the flowers are quite small in size, they have a powerful scent, which can be detected from miles away. The flowers have a lemony scent, which fills up the air during December and January.
Lilacs have a strong intoxicating fragrance. The fragrance is frequently used in candles, perfumes and skin care products. Among the various types of lilacs available, the white lilacs have the sweetest scent. The scent of lilacs can be smelled in the early months of summer.
Sweet Peas
Sweet peas have a unique fragrance due to which, they are popular all over the world. They have gotten their name due to their sweet fragrance. However, the intensity of the fragrance of sweet peas varies with factors like heat, rainfall, time of the day and age of the flower.

Monday, February 20, 2012

The Monarch Butterfly Host Plant

The Milkweed species is so crucial to the life cycle of the Monarch butterfly that Monarchs and their kin, like the Queens and Tigers, are called "Milkweed Butterflies." In Britain the Monarch is called simply The Milkweed.
The Monarch butterfly ranges all over the United States and Canada, but is limited in the Pacific Northwest unless there is a long and warm summer. Monarchs are famous not only for the beauty of their tiger-colored wings, but also for their multi-generational migration to Mexico, where they overwinter. Sometimes the trees there are so full of Monarch butterflies that even heavy limbs break off. Monarchs are also known for being one of the rare insects that cross the Atlantic ocean. 
The Monarch is found just about everywhere in its range, including meadows, gardens, parks and roadsides. Fortunately, milkweed plants also find these habitats to their liking.
Monarchs use milkweed as both a source of nectar and as a host plant for their larvae. After mating in the spring, the female lays her eggs on the milkweed plants leaves. The eggs hatch and the black, yellow and white striped caterpillars eat their own egg case for a burst of energy, then start eating the milkweed. The milkweed not only gives the caterpillar food, but also toxins called cardenolides, which makes both the caterpillar and the adult butterfly distasteful to potential predators. After about two weeks the caterpillar turns into a chrysalis. The Monarch chrysalis is uncommonly beautiful. It is pale-jade green with dots of what look like gold paint. After about two weeks the butterfly emerges. Monarchs live anywhere from one to seven months depending on the time of year they hatch. 
There are over 140 species of milkweed, including the Common milkweed (Asclepias syraica), the Tropical milkweed (Asclepias curassavica) and the Swamp milkweed (Asclepias incarnata). Flowers can appear in shades of white, pink, mauve, orange, yellow or scarlet. The Common milkweed is a perennial that grows in full sun, but can also tolerate some shade. It can be invasive and is considered a weed in many areas. The flowers, which grow in umbels, appear in late spring or early summer. The seeds are famous for having long parachutes made of pappus, or floss. They burst out of conspicuous seed pods and are carried away on the wind. Pappus has been shown to have such good insulating qualities that it's now used to stuff pillows.
Common milkweed can grow from three to six feet tall. It propagates through rhizomes. Swamp milkweed is not invasive, prefers soil that's a bit damp, and can be found on the edges of bodies of fresh water. The flowers bloom later than the common milkweed. Butterfly weed (Asclepias tuberosa) has orange flowers and grows to three feet tall. It needs full sun as well and is a popular garden plant.
All milkweeds exude a milky sap that gives them their name. This sap irritates the skin and milkweeds are considered to be poisonous to humans. Yet, in ancient days, milkweed was prized for its medicinal properties. Indeed, the species is named after Asclepius, who was the god of healing in ancient Greece. The sap, though irritating in itself, is still used to treat poison ivy. 
Gardeners who want to grow milkweed plants to attract the Monarch butterfly should know that they do well in Zones 4 to 10. They're excellent in meadow gardens and borders. The Butterfly weed can tolerate drought and the Common and Tropical milkweed plants need an average amount of watering.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Native Flowers of Bermuda

Bermuda is a British island territory located in North Atlantic Ocean. It is situated off the east coast of USA and is near North Carolina. The island has a subtropical climate and therefore, many flower species flourish there. The countryside of the Island is full of displays of flowers, which have distinctive beauty. There are some native flower varieties but most of the flowers growing in Bermuda are native to some other place and have been introduced on the island. Some of the native flowers of Bermuda are discussed in this article.
Blue-Eyed Grass
It is not actually grass but looks like grass with its narrow leaves. It is said to be the unofficial national flower of Bermuda. The flower is blue in color and has a yellow center. It is a member of the Iris family. The flower blooms from June to August. It opens only on bright sunny days and lasts for only one or two days
St. Andrew's cross
It is native to Bermuda, South-eastern USA and the Bahamas. It is actually a shrub, which produces bright yellow flowers with four petals shaped like an 'X'. The plant has gotten its name due to this shape of the flowers. In Bermuda, it used to be frequently found in marshes and on hillsides. It is quite rare now and only a few species have survived the wild. The plant is now being grown in gardens and used in landscapes.
Turnera is native to Bermuda and areas in tropical and subtropical America. The flower is yellow in color and has five petals. It belongs to the passion flower family. It grows wild in Bermuda but also makes a very good garden plant. The flower looks like those of wire weed but is bigger in size and darker in color.
Seaside Heliotrope
The flower is white in color and has a yellow center. It is shaped like bell and has five rounded lobes. It is native to places ranging from western North America to the Caribbean but has been introduced in other continents as well.
Darrell's Fleabane
It belongs to the daisy family and so, the flower looks like a small daisy with a yellow center and white petals. Darrell's fleabane is endemic to Bermuda. It grows in the coastal areas of Bermuda. It also flourishes in rocky areas like rock gardens.
White Stopper
It is actually a shrub native to Bermuda, Florida and West Indies. The flowers of the shrub bloom in summer and autumn. The flowers are small and white and look like the flowers of the Surinam Cherry.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Flowers of Oman

Oman, or the Sultanate of Oman, is a small country located in the southeastern coast of the Arabian Peninsula. The country has expansive deserts, mountains and several oases. The country has an arid climate and fluctuating temperature but sill, various flowers thrive in Oman. The flowers of Oman are known for their hardiness and beauty and so, are grown in gardens all over the world. Some of the flowers of Oman are discussed below.
Desert Rose.
The desert rose is also known as sabi star, kudu, mock azalea and impala lily. It is grown for ornamental purposes all over the world. It is also often made into a bonsai. The flower is trumpet-shaped and quite showy. It comes in shades of pink and red and has a prominent white throat. The desert rose generally appears in spring. It is moderately toxic and the sap of the plant is used as a poison in rural areas of the country.
Black-Eyed Geranium
It can be found in mountainous areas of Oman, which have moderate summers. It is a delicate flower with the shape of a cup. The flower is pink in color and has a purplish black center. Although it is quite small in size, the black-eyed geranium is highly beautiful and thus, is grown worldwide.
Summer Asphodel
It flourishes along the rocky slopes and arid grasslands of the country. The flower looks like a lily and is salmon-pink in color. It has chocolate-brown stripe marks on all its petals. The tuber of the summer asphodel is used for food and medicine in Oman.
Abyssinian Rose
This is a yellowish-white flower grown all over the world for its ornamental value and fragrance. It generally grows as a wildflower in Oman. However, it is also grown in gardens throughout the country. It can be found on roadsides, disturbed areas and the cool mountainous regions of Oman. It has a special place in Omani culture and is often planted in cemeteries.
Creamy Peacock Flower
This flower can be found growing in coastal areas and has adapted to the country's climate well. It is creamy-white in summers with long coral-red sepals and bulbous tips. The flower blooms in the spring and summer season.
Arabian Jasmine
This is a species of Jasmine and grows in South and Southeast Asia. It is cultivated for its beauty and fragrance. The flower is also used for making perfumes and tea. In Oman, the flower is a part of a child's first birthday party. It is sprinkled on the child's head while other children chant "hol hol".
A species of the lavender can be found in the mountainous areas of Oman. It is quite tiny and has a violet color.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

5 Traditional Sympathy Flowers

Sending flowers to a family, who has recently lost a loved one, is an effective way to express sympathy. Besides expressing sympathy, sympathy flowers can also be used as a means of paying tribute to the one who has died and brightening up the sad atmosphere. These days many flowers are sent for expressing sympathy but there are a few flowers, which are traditionally associated with sympathy, loss, remembrance and funerals. Such flowers are more suitable than others for sending to the bereaved family members as they provide a meaningful gesture. Some of the traditional sympathy flowers are mentioned below.
Lilies are commonly associated with funerals and sympathy. According to Christian folklore, the flowers symbolize resurrection. In the language of flowers, lilies symbolize the innocence of the departed soul. Moreover, white stargazer lilies denote sympathy due to which, they are the most suitable choice for someone who has lost a loved one.
Carnations are also popular as sympathy flowers. Carnations come in different colors, which have different meanings. For example red carnations stand for admiration, pink carnations denote remembrance and white carnations symbolize purity. Thus, a bouquet consisting of carnations of different colors will be a suitable choice for this occasion. Besides being sent for expressing sympathy, carnations are also used for making wreaths displayed at funerals due to their dense blooms.
Chrysanthemums are often included in floral arrangements for funeral services in Asian and European countries. White chrysanthemums stand for death, loss and grief. Hence, they are only used for funeral services. They are often combined with roses and carnations in floral arrangements.
Roses are also included in sympathy flower arrangements. Like carnations, they also have different colors, which have different meanings. They have a formal look and therefore are suitable for sending to families who have experienced the loss of a loved one. A bouquet, which includes roses of different colors, can express the sender's sympathy effectively.
Gladioli are frequently used in sympathy flower arrangements. A fan spray of gladioli is a classic at traditional funeral services. Gladioli denote sincerity, moral integrity and strength of character, due to which, they are suitable as sympathy flowers.
These days, florists have many different sympathy flower bouquets. These bouquets consist of many other flowers besides traditional sympathy flowers. In addition to this, the sender can also order customized bouquets to express their sympathy to the recipient in times of grief and loss.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Flowers of Israel

Israel is situated in the Middle East and borders the Mediterranean Sea. The country has several native flowers. Some of them are known for their beauty and fragrance while others are famous for their medicinal qualities. Moreover, the country is one of the leading exporters of flowers in the world. However, the country does not have any national flower. Detailed information regarding some of the flowers of Israel can be found below.
Madonna Lily
The Madonna lily is native to the Mediterranean region. It was dedicated to Virgin Mary by early Christians due to its pure white color. Its white color has also made it a symbol of purity. The flower also has a sweet scent. The blooming period of this flower occurs in June and July. It has medicinal characteristics and is used for pain and inflammation reduction.
Crown Anemone
It is among Israel's most common wild flowers. Besides growing in woodlands and scrublands, the flower flourishes in the desert environment also. Its petals form a crown-like shape due to which, it has gotten its name. The petals come in different colors but the most common color is red. The blooming period of this flower extends from December to April.
Common Narcissus
The common narcissus is a fragrant winter flower found in Israel. It belongs to the daffodil family but is quite small as compared to the more popular daffodil species. However, it is the most fragrant flower in the daffodil family. The blooming period of the flower occurs between Thanksgiving and Christmas.
Corn Poppy
This flower is native to Israel and other countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea. It grows on the coast and the base of Mount Hermon. The flower grows in bunches with bright red petals and black stamen. It blossoms every year from March to May.
Persian Cyclamen
This flower is native to Israel, Jordan and Southern Turkey. It can also be found in Algeria and Tunisia as well as the Greek Islands of Crete, Rhodes and Karpathos. The flower has five twisted petals, which can be white or pink. It is the parent species of the cultivated cyclamen. The flower blooms from winter to spring.
Shepherd's Purse
The flower got its name due to its purse-like pods. It is native to Asia Minor as well as eastern Europe. The flower is white in color and has four petals. Unlike many other flowers, it grows throughout the year. The flower has medicinal value and is used for to stop bleeding. It is also made into an ointment, which can be applied on cuts and wounds.
There are numerous other flower varieties found in Israel. One can also find different varieties of roses, daisies and Irises in the country.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Flowers of Egypt

Located in South Africa, Egypt has a rather hot and dry climate with a number of flower shops scattered around. The River Nile provides lush and fertile grounds for growing flowers and it is along its banks that a large amount of flower gardens are found. Flowers are of great importance to Egypt's economy as it is known for exporting its beautiful flowers in many varieties. In fact, approximately 600 tons of flowers are exported annually only to Europe.
Flowers have been of great significance in Egypt since ancient times and were used for multiple purposes. Their strong scent was believed to signify the presence of a god and they were given as gifts of love and worship to lovers and gods. Large floral bouquets and wreaths were popular offerings made to gods. Flowers were also used by Egyptians in their poetry, paintings and architecture. Egyptians used to adorn themselves with flowers in the form of garlands on their head and neck as well as their hair. The main decoration of the house was considered to be flowers and was an important aspect of daily life.
Fresh flower arrangements were adored by all Egyptians who are known as the first people were formally arranging flowers for presentation. Like everything in Egypt was done according to symbolization, flowers were given different meanings as well. Each arrangement was then made according to what it is meant to represent and reflect. Flowers were a great part of Egyptian culture and each arrangement was made specifically according to its symbolization.
The Egyptians considered the Lotus, Water Lily and Papyrus as their most sacred and meaningful flowers. The Lotus was considered the first amongst flowers and the Egyptians used to sing songs for this special flower on parties and events. There was a special feast in the name of this flower called the 'Feast of Lotus' where a special silver pot in the shape of the Lotus flower was held along with a candle burning in the middle. This pot was taken to the River Nile while dreaming a special dream in your heart and if the candle continued to float once placed in the River your dream would come true.
The Water Lily is of great importance for the Egyptians as well and was seen as image of rebirth and regeneration. This was because the Water Lily opens up its petals in the morning and closes them at night. The Egyptians considered this as a symbol of the deceased entering the underworlds and then into a new life.
The Papyrus was considered as a symbol of fertility and life itself. It was a part of the offering that the deceased used to take with themselves to the grave. The Papyrus was most popularly used for the purpose of writing. Other than that, it was used to build beds, chairs, tables and different types of furniture as well as mats, baskets and sandals. The Papyrus was also a source of food, medicine and perfume.
Thus, it can be seen how important flowers are in Egypt not only today, but in ancient Egypt as well. They have great significance, uses and are an important trade item for the Egyptians. Even today you will be able to find a number of flower shops scattered all around Egypt.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Flowers of Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe is a landlocked nation located in South Africa. It is bordered by Botswana, Mozambique and Zambia. The country is mostly covered with savanna grasslands. However, there are forests and mountains in the eastern part of the country. Numerous flowers grow in Zimbabwe. Some of the flowers of Zimbabwe are discussed in detail below.
Flame Lily.
It is Zimbabwe's national flower. The flower has numerous other names including fire lily, gloriosa lily, glory lily, climbing lily, creeping lily and superb lily. It grows in Zimbabwe and Mozambique. The flower has a cup-like shape with the tips and edges of its petals curling backwards. The color of the flower ranges from bright yellow to dark red. The flower is poisonous if ingested. Moreover, contact with its stem or leaves can result in skin irritation.
Wild Hibiscus
This is an extremely fragile flower and lasts for just one day. Its color can be either yellow or pink. The flower can be found in the savanna areas of South Africa and tropical zones across the rest of Africa. It has been named after Dr. Heinrich Gustav Adolf Engler, who was the director of the Royal Botanical Garden of Berlin. He initiated a botanical exploration in Africa.
Leopard Orchid
The leopard orchid grows in Zimbabwe and other tropical areas of Africa. It is yellow in color with brown spots on its petals. The flower has a very pleasant smell. It is named after John Ansell, who found the first specimen of this flower.
Devil's Thorn.
The flower and the plant can be found in Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Botswana and other parts of the Northern Province of South Africa. The flower has the shape of a trumpet and is pinkish mauve in color.
River Crinum Lily
It is bell-shaped and is available in pink and white. It grows in East and South Africa. The flower is named after the English botanist Peter MacOwan, who took great interest in the flower.
Lavender Star Flower
This flower is native Zimbabwe and Mozambique as well as other parts of South Africa. It can be found growing in rocky places. The flower is small and star-shaped. The color of the flower can be either pink or mauve. The plant is usually used for landscaping as it attracts butterflies and other animals. It can also be easily made into a bonsai.
Apart from them, one can find several other flowers in Zimbabwe. Some of these are crocosmia and Barberton daisy.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Native Flowers of Cyprus

Cyprus is an Island situated in the eastern Mediterranean Sea. A few thousand species of plants and flowers can be found in Cyprus. Some of the flowers have been brought to the island from different places like China, USA and Australia. There are also some flowers, which grow naturally in the region. Some of the native flowers of Cyprus are discussed below.
Cyprus Cyclamen
The flower can be found in the woodland of Cyprus. It is national flower of Cyprus. It has 5 upswept petals, which are pink, red or white in color. It has a sweet scent and blooms during the autumn season.
This flower is also native to Cyprus. It can be found in different colors like red or white but often has a round yellow center. The flower blooms late in December.
One can find different daisy varieties in Cyprus. The flower covers vast fields on the island. Different types of daisies bloom in different seasons. For example the sunray or moonbeam daisy blooms in the summer season whereas the snow bank or purple dome blooms in autumn.
Giant Orchid
The giant orchid is commonly found in North Cyprus. The flower is very large and has a strong fragrance. There are different colors of this flower including dark pink, purple and whitish green. It starts to bloom from mid-February.
Cyprus Tulip
As is evident from the name, Cyprus tulip is native to Cyprus. It is a dark red flower that can be found in the Akamas peninsula. It has 6 oval petals that are slightly pointed and are bordered by yellow. One can see the blossoms in March and April. The Cyprus Tulip is protected by the government and picking it is forbidden.
This is a fragrant flower with white petals and a narrow tube. The flower belongs to the daffodil family and blooms after the first autumn showers.
Yellow Cyprus Sun Rose
This flower can be found in the dry rocky hillsides of Northern Cyprus. It is native to Cyprus and does not occur anywhere else. The yellow Cyprus sun rose grows from hairy buds to a pale yellow flower. The flower blooms from February to May.
Cyprus Crocus
This is a fragrant flower with six segments. The segments are white with a violet stripe. It is found on the northern slopes of the Kyrenia range and blooms from November to January.
This flower grows in different parts of Cyprus. It is papery in texture and can range from red to orange in color. The flower generally blooms in spring.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Native Flowers of Cambodia

Cambodia is a country located in Asia' Southern Peninsula. It has a warm, tropical climate, which is perfect for the growth of various native flowers. Cambodian flowers are famous for their fragrance, beauty and symbolic meaning worldwide. A few of the native flowers of Cambodia are mentioned below.
Rumdul Flower.
The flower of the Rumdul tree is a native flower of Cambodia. It was made Cambodia's national flower in 2005. It is a small flower with three petals and a yellowish-white color. This flower is known for its fragrance that can be smelled even from a distance. In fact, women were compared to this flower due to its fragrance. It was also used for the production of lip waxes for women because of its fragrance. The flower and the tree can be seen everywhere in the country. The rumdul tree is grown in houses and parks throughout the country for decoration purposes.
The lotus thrives in the warm, tropical climate of Cambodia. Although it is India's national flower, the lotus is native to Cambodia. The flower is sacred for both Hindus and Buddhists. It is a symbol of purity and creation in Hinduism and of spiritual enlightenment and purification in Buddhism. The flower has eight white petals which open in the morning and wilt in the evening of the same day.
Orchid can be found in almost all continents of the world. It has captured the attention of many people throughout the world. In fact, it is one of the world's most exquisite flowers and many nations have adopted it as their national flower. The Asian orchid is native to Cambodia. It has three inner and outer petals, which are multicolored.
Frangipani Flower
This is another flower native to Cambodia. The petals of this flower are bright, waxy and fragrant. It is rose-pink in color with a touch of bronze. Due to its nice scent, it is often used in bouquets. The petals of the flower last for a long time especially in long, tropical climates like that of Cambodia.
Bougainvillea is actually small in size and yellow or white in color. However, each cluster is surrounded by bracts of different colors including pink, purple, red, orange, white and yellow. It flourishes in Cambodia due to the suitable climate of the country.
There are many other flowers that are grown in Cambodia. Some of them are lobster claw flower, equestrian starflower and globe amaranth flower.